DIY,  Sewing

White summer skirt DIY midi

Hi everybody! For this project I found the fabric, a shirred white cotton, at the thrift store. After buying it (and a good wash) I was inspired to make a skirt. The design of the skirt is very simple, I didn’t use a pattern just my measurements.

it was on sale for half off too!

I measured around my hips (at my widest point) and added an allowance of 3in. To measure the length I started at my waist, the top point where I wanted my skirt to sit, and measured down to mid calf area, also adding 3in. The extra allowance for the length of the skirt will go towards the elastic casing of the waistband and hem length. With those two measurements I created a rectangle and cut two out from my main fabric.

After I had sewed the rectangle skirt, I tried on and decided to make mine a bit more fitted. I used pins to trim up the sides and also curve up towards my natural waistline. I wanted the skirt more fitted around my waist so there would be less bunching of the fabric with the elastic. Once I had the the final shape of my skirt I folded it in half and cut two pieces of liner fabric, since my main fabric was sheer.

the right side has been cut but not the left. showing the curve with my natural waist.
liner piece of fabric cut out

For the elastic casing I folded the top edge of the skirt over 5/8in for a clean finish. Then from that fold I measured my elastic and made a 1in casing. I sewed around the waist leaving an opening to insert the elastic. After that was finished I went to work on the bottom hem. I didn’t stabilized my skirt hem properly and it came out wavy looking more like a lettuce hem but honestly I really like it. The bottom hem is a happy mistake.